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what we believe

We believe

in the Triune God

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


We believe

God is the creator

of the universe.


We believe

Jesus is Lord and Savior,

fully God and full human.


We believe

God works in the world today

through the Holy Spirit.


We believe

all humans are created

in the image of God.


We believe

all have sinned,

and our sin separates us from God.


We believe

we are justified by God's merciful grace

through faith.


We believe

our loving obedience to God

is our response to God's salvation.


We believe

scripture is the source

of the church's teaching and doctrine.


We believe

the church is to bear

the witness of God's love.


We believe

baptism and the Lord's supper

are sacraments.​

We are a confessional church

which means we have a book of confessions

to help keep us grounded as we strive to hear

what the Spirit has to teach us

as we seek to understand God's Scripture.


Click below to read the

1983 Brief Statement of Faith

as a summary of our beliefs.

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