First Presbyterian Church
Worshipping God - Equipping People - Sharing Love
Youth Activites
Children in Worship
We encourage children to remain in worship because kids learn to worship by watching adults worship. We understand that children have short attention spans and can be a bit squirmy at times, so we have established a Quiet Corner at the front of the sanctuary for kids to watch the service while they quietly entertain themselves with various activities. Kids of all ages from toddler to adult are invited to the Quiet Corner following our "Time for Young Disciples" during the worship service.
Summer Camp
Fun for kids entering grade 3 through high school happens at Westminster Spires, Yellowstone Presbytery's beautiful camp located near Red Lodge, MT. High school youth are encouraged to seek out summer employment as camp counselors, where they can teach their younger counterparts the joy of God’s love!
For more information, CLICK HERE for 2024 details or visit this website
Adult Discipleship
Pastor's Study meets Mondays at noon to go over the passage that will be preached on Sunday.
Chapel Study meets Sunday mornings at 9:00am in the Lindsay Chapel. Current study: Prayer in the Night by Tish Harrison Warren
Presbyterian Women
“Presbyterian Women" (PW)
is an inclusive and caring community of women,
committed to working toward God’s promise
of wholeness for all people”.
PW at FPCB meets monthly for a meal, a Bible Study and a meeting. Check the church calendar for meeting dates. During the November FUN-Raiser, money is raised through activities, bake sales, etc.. PW uses the funds raised to support local social service agencies such as Safe Space, Action Inc., New Hope Clinic, the Food Bank and the Butte Rescue Mission.
Service Projects & Missions
Service to Christ is an important part of the ministry we do at First Pres.
Locally we work with the Butte Rescue Mission, the Food Bank, Beautify Butte, Action Inc., Safe Space, Habitat for Humanity, Butte Heart, Family Advocacy Ministry, a program of Promise686 that supports families in crisis and foster families, Meal Ministries for Elementary School children, and provide coats, gloves and hats for area schools.
Nationally, we support Wycliffe Associates Bible Translators, and Presbyterian Disaster Relief, which sends teams to disaster areas throughout the US and the world.
Internationally, we support Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes, Presbyterian missionaries in Africa, Dominican Republic and South America as well as a Compassion Child and World Vision Children. We have also sent medical teams to the Yucatan and India.
Music Ministry
Chancel Choir
Rehearsals are on Thursdays at 6:30pm from September through May. Grades 7 through adult are invited to join the choir.
Hand Bell Choir
Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 9:00 am from September through May. ​​